[M19] Dutasteride, is this the start of gyno growth or just nipple sensitivity?

Hi, I started taking dutasteride after 2 years of 1mg fin + topical min ED (because of poor results and my diffuse and temporal thinning continuing steadily over time).

I started dutasteride on the 24th of november, and since then I’ve been upping my dose every week (going for example 2 days on dut 0.5 and 5 on fin in a week), and I’ve developed some nipple pain once in a while and also my nipple sensitivity went up a lot (even tho there doesen’t seem to be any noticeable change in nipple size checking back on photoes took when I started fin in 2022).
I checked and there is a small hard pea-sized lump under my nipples, but I think it was always there.

Could this be symptoms of gyno starting to develop? Or is it just nipple sensitivity that will hopefully fade over time?

If it can be helpful, I included my full hormonal panel while on just fin (before starting dut) and a before and after photo of my nipple. My e2 was already slightly higher than the reference range, and right now I’m already taking 22mg of zinc daily to try to help with lowering it. Give me some advice/opinion on the situation please.


dut can increase estrogenic effects for some people. The lump might’ve always been there, but if it’s tender or growing, that’s a red flag. You might want to slow down the switch from fin to dut, get a new hormone panel to check where your E2, T, and DHT are at, and maybe talk to a doc about options like an aromatase inhibitor if estrogen is creeping up. 22mg of zinc might help a bit but probably won’t fix elevated E2 by itself