Have you seen anybody using natural remedies and succeed?

Remedies like onion juice, pumpkin seeds(as natural dht blocker), etc.

Try search, there a lot over the years. Not as much as the big 4.

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There are some and ALL treatments that work just happen to induce hormesis which stops mTOR hyperactivation(which drives aging) which dht does. The more hormetic agents we stack the better the results will be. There are also natural processes which occur fighting to drive mTOR whether we are trying to stop them or not. Dht and insulin drive mTOR which causes the mitochondria to become fragmented(fission) and produce less ATP and more ROS. Metabolic syndrome(associated with mpb) drives fission(inefficient mitochondria).


Hormetic agents were first discovered in around 1960 and in fact mention several that we “just happen” to have unwittingly stumbled upon as hair growth agents. Even ethyl alcohol grew hair by itself as shown in the minox studies. Caffeine? Ever heard of that?

LLLT and wounding also induce hormesis…nothing new under the sun. The aging/hair loss world revolves around hormesis.


A partial list of hormesis inducers: LLLT(which works by nitric oxide like minox), wounding,
alcohol(a beer a day may keep the doc away…study below), low dose caffeine, flavonoids which are nature’s insecticide can be seen here:

Short duration, high intensity exercise, cold showers, tumeric tea…

Links about alcohol:

And if you think “little things” like I mentioned don’t have an effect then have a look at the identical twin studies done of male and females.

Here is the one on males:

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Also look at linoleic acid found in safflower oil:

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