32M, 5 year progress pictures


I’ve been on 1mg fin daily for 8 years, Keto shampoo 3 days a week for about 6 years, have been using 2.5mg of oral minoxidil daily for close to a year now but felt like I wasn’t getting the results I wanted to so I’ve started using 5% min foam at nights as well. Also been using RU daily for more than a year but pretty much dropped it as I felt like I was not getting a ton of results from it.

I think my hair looks about the same but I’m not 100% sure. It definitely doesn’t feel as full as it used to and I still shed a ton of hairs each day, specifically thin wispy cobweb looking hairs. I started mom in hopes it would make my hair thicker (specifically my hairline) but it honestly hasn’t done as much as I hoped. Do you notice any baby hairs sprouting?

But yeah, I do feel like my hairline is getting more and more miniaturized but after looking at my progress pics I’m not sure anymore. It’s definitely felt less thick the last few months but tbh I’ve been getting horrible sleep and my diet has been poor.

5 years ago:


Sorry that the lighting isn’t the same.

I’m new here, but your hairline looks a tad better compared to the earlier pics to me. The sides seem to have come forward a tad. At worst even with what it was, definitely not worse.