M27 Fin/Min (topical) was fun while it lasted

Before you guys attack me here, let me just say that I love Fin/Min and it has done wonders for me for the past 6 months. Gave me my hairline I had from High School and it was freaking great. Also, I was a Hyper responder and caught my hairloss very early on. But as of today, I have to quit taking it. Got my blood taken on Aug 21 and the result came back today saying my AST and ALT was really high. This involves my liver and my liver was NEVER bad to begin with. Also, abnormally high cholesterol but I doubt is from that. Always had a normal values until I started these meds. So I’ll have to be off both Fin/Min for one month to see how my values are within the next month.
Trust me, I really want to stay on Fin/Min and is a big bummer because I got all my hair back but this is pretty serious and I care more about my health than my hair.

TL;DR - > Recent bloodwork show’s high value on AST and ALT and Fin/Min might be the cause of it. Have to stop using it for one month to see if the values goes back down to normal levels.


Topical Min 5% in the morning

Topical Fin 0.1%/Min 5% at night

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