Is there a chance to regrow hairline or are those folicules gone?

Hi yall

I’m not balding, i have lots of hair.

I suffered from depression / dysmorphia way back in my teenage years and when i was 15 or so i plucked away my widow’s peak. It kinda re- grew a bit once or twice but i kept plucking until it never did again.

now i’m 37 and when i look at my hairline, i feel somethings missing. nobody elses notices but me.

are those folicules gone?

i want to ask if do you think some min. would help to regrow it and what dosage.

i’ve been on the growplex pack (foam/roller/supplement) for a month but it doesnt seem to do anything

Take it easy, you will not be bald, isn’t seen any sign of androgenic alopecia ,