Goth mohawk is fading, I can't keep with minoxidil and can't get finasteride perscription

Since 25 I was very slowly loosing my hair like, but last 3 years it started to get faster (I’m 31 now), and feels each year is even faster… I am still not too bald, but my mohawk (which is VERY VERY important for me) is getting uglier (specially on the crown!!) to the point I need to keep it so short and very thin to the baldness be less visible when mohawk is high. Until 25 I used to have a very well-filled volumous mohawk, 30cm high when teased and backcombed, and I really want it back.

  • Minoxidil: I was treating with it for 6 months, but this week I found out it’s not a cure, just a treatment that I got to keep forever, which I can’t follow long term (damages SO MUCH my bleached hair, I keep my mohawk up for days so it’s impossible to apply it over the scalp everyday so often, and some others). Now I regret doing it, as the shedding phase hair will always fall when stopping treatment. Or am I wrong?
  • Finasteride: Doctors don’t want to give perscription for Finasteride as they don’t consider the baldness “so bad yet”, and don’t get how important for me is to keep the mohawk.
  • Microneedling: just by itself won’t be enough.

Basically three questions:

  • Is there any specific doctor (I live in Berlin, or can be something online in germany, or any other idea) that can give me finasterol perscription instead of judging me for “not needing it yet”? Or anything I can say to a doctor to prove a point and convince him?
  • Is there any other kind of treatment that can fill my a lot my hair, to the point I want? Fullfill the crown, increase the top volume as it was, prevent the receding of hairline to start affecting it. Or any way to keep minoxidil just few times a week after the regrown, just to maintain? Or is the ‘Turkey 2024 Vacation Trip’ (transplant) my destiny and I should embrace it?
  • If there’s not much I can do to get all this result beside transplant, can I do it even while I am not super bald yet? And I would need something to keep the gains anyway after it, or would keep loosing the not-transplanted ones, right?