Getting Ed from 1mg of fin not sure what to do

It started happening after the first week, my penis is just not as hard erect and harder to get an erection, I had this problem before tho on and off and goes away that’s why I think it’s just in my head but I’m not sure, sometimes lasted in the past a couple weeks and went away should I continue treatment or maybe do every other 3 days or reduce to 0.5 mg? I don’t wanna stop treatment bc I just started and want this to work any advice ? Should I get it another month and see if my sexual performance comes back ?

There are few things you can try:

  1. Continue using it and see if sides go away.
  2. Lower dosage.
  3. Try oral dutasteride.
  4. Try topical dutasteride. I wrote a post about my research here.

Switch to topical, add minoxidil.

Topical finasteride has similar absorption to oral. I think reason why people get less sides is simply because it takes time to hit peak concentration. Kind of like slowly warming the pool vs jumping right into hot water.

Topical finasteride has similar absorption to oral

Absorption where?

I think reason why people get less sides is simply because it takes time to hit peak concentration

No, Topical finasteride yields less system/serum DHT reduction and more relative scalp reduction. Most evidence shows fewer side effects (not none). But the paradox is that it doesn’t seem as effective as oral regardless of those facts.

Interesting study. I think you are right. Serum DHT inhibition exists to a significant degree as per those studies, but not as much as oral. Anecdotally I have seen cases of people having high serum DHT hit with topical finasteride over long period of time(as much as oral), but ofcourse that isn’t a study. I wonder if the serum DHT decrease would be higher if the study lasted for longer period of time.

I think topical dutasteride could possibly give more “bang for the buck” as far as efficacy for serum DHT hit is concerned, but ofcourse it isn’t studied as well.